How to dismantle your data silos: 5 strategies

If your team or company struggles with siloed data, you’re not alone. In our recent benchmark report, a full 86% of teams reported being frustrated by data silos.

Silos happen for many reasons. Teams struggle with technical challenges like insufficient resources or ineffective tools. Cultural challenges play an even larger role: over half of teams identified lack of cross-functional collaboration or communication as the primary causes of disconnected data.

When they persist, data silos pose a real threat to business outcomes. Disconnected data leads to duplicated efforts and increases the risk of uninformed decisions. At the end of the day, this means higher costs and missed revenue.

The good news: while silos come from many sources, and have tangible impacts on your company’s bottom line, there are also many ways to break them down. Hear from Heap expert practitioners as they explore the causes and costs of data silos, and share five effective ways to build a culture of data sharing across your organization.

Viewers will learn:

  • Benchmarks from the new “Data Decoded: The Heap Digital Insights Report, 2023

  • The most common causes of data silos - both technical and cultural

  • The varying causes and costs of data silos for large versus small companies

  • How to understand and communicate the impact of silos on your company’s bottom line

  • Strategies for breaking down silos and democratizing data

Decode Your Data

Explore the Heap Digital Insights Report. Learn more about how other teams work and improve your own processes and practices.

Webinar Speakers

  • Lane Hart

    VP, Customer Success

  • Daniel Tachna-Fram

    Product Analytics Manager
    Heap by Contentsquare

    Daniel is an analytics leader experienced in helping companies of all sizes from Fortune 500 to startups drive value from their data. With expertise in Enterprise SaaS, Product Led Growth and eCommerce environments, has a proven track record of helping teams understand, quantify and maximize the impact of their web and mobile products.

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